Allotment Workers Shelter

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Whilst on the Global Gardens allotment in Whichurch, Cardiff, It started to rain, and so we all gathered under the only available shelter that was around, which was the single apple tree in the allotment. This made me realise that the workers on the site have nowhere to rest and nowhere to go to protect themselves from the rain. 
My design focuses on creating an intimate space where workers on the site can come together to relax and socialise in a place that is not just a shelter but is the heart of the allotment.
This intervention features a sunken down fire pit seating area which protects workers from the wind, whilst the shelter above not only protects the occupants from the rain but also disperses it around the structure, creating a curtain of water around it when it is raining. Gateways are created in the Curtain of water to allow for people to easily pass in and out of the structure. A viewing platform above provides a space which has increases access to the sun for relaxation on hot summer days.

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